Scour Formation Due to 3D Circular Wall Jets

Document Type : Research Article



In this paper the results of 63 experiments about the inclination wall jets are presented. The angle of
the jets changed from 0 to 20 degree and the densimetric Froude number of the jet change between 3.9
to 12.8. the tailwater ratio changed between 1.5 to 19. The scour mechanism due to 3D inclined wall
jets is investigated. The effect of the jet angle for different values of the tailwater depth ratio and
different values of the densimetric Froude number of the jets are studied. By using the densimetric
Froude number of the jets, tailwater depth ratio and jet angle appropriate equations for estimating the
scour hole dimensions are presented. The results show that by increasing the tailwater depth ratio
decreasing of the dimensions of the jets are increased. There is a critical tailwater depth that beyond
which by increasing or decreasing the tailwater depth the scour hole depth increases. The critical
tailwater depth is increased by increasing the jet angle. In general the scour hole dimensions decreases
by increasing the jet angle. Therefore, the inclined jets can be used as a procedure for decreasing the
scour hole dimensions.