Facts and Figures
Number of Volumes 19
Number of Issues 71
Number of Articles 492
Number of Contributers 868
Article View 315,573
PDF Download 271,200
View Per Article 641.41
PDF Download Per Article 551.22
Number of Submissions 705
Rejected Submissions 302
Accepted Submissions 306
Acceptance Rate 43
Accept Date (Days) 155
Number of Indexing Databases 7
h-index (Google Scholar)
Citations (Google Scholar) 235

Journal of Hydraulics is an open access journal with a double-blind peer review process, which publishes scientific research articles, technical papers, and review articles in the field of water engineering each season. This journal is one of the Iranian Hydraulic Association (IHA) journals which is published in Persian language with an English abstract.

It is worth mentioning that Iranian Hydraulic Association (IHA), founded in 1994, is the oldest Iranian independent NGO of water scientists and engineers. This association established to introduce the national status and conditions of the professions and sciences related to the hydro-environmental issues and their practical applications as well as to develop a connection between nationally and internationally scientists and experts for better co-ordination. The members of the IHA are selected among experts and graduate students in Civil Engineering, Hydraulic Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and other affiliated industries involved in the field of Hydro-Environmental Engineering.

All manuscripts must be submitted to the submit manuscript section of the Journal of Hydraulics' Website. Any manuscript emailed will not be sent for review and will be returned to the author(s) with instructions for online submission. Authors can download new formatting guide as a PDF from authors guide section.


***Call for English Articles ***

According to the decision of the editorial board of Journal of Hydraulics and in order to develop the indexing conditions of this journal in international indexes, an English special issue will be published at the end of 2023. Hereby, all interested parties are invited to send their original and quality articles in English for publication in the special issue of Journal of Hydraulics (Guide for Authors).


According to the decisions made by the editorial board of the Journal of Hydraulics in 29 May 2022, the following costs are received from the author(s) in two stages:

 I.  For reviewing manuscripts, after initial submission and editor confirmation: 2,000,000 (Iranian) Rials.

 II.  After final acceptance and receiving the official acceptance letter of the paper by editor:  4,000,000 (Iranian) Rials.

In both of the aforementioned steps, the author(s) should enter the journal website (Users Login) and pay the fees through the Internet portal.

Note: In accordance with the approval of the editorial board of the Journal of Hydraulics and the board of directors of the Iranian Hydraulic Association (IHA), to thank the Journal of Hydraulics' reviewers, for every three reviewed manuscripts (since the beginning of year 2018), the Journal's reviewers don’t have to pay fee for one manuscript.  


* Publication in Journal of Hydraulics is based on Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

* Journal of Hydraulics is licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 International (CC By 4.0).


 All submissions will be evaluated prior to review for similarity and Plagiarism.


*** Journal of Hydraulics has been ranked A in 2020 & 2021 & 2022 evaluation of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology of IRAN ***

Current Issue: Volume 19, Issue 3 - Serial Number 193, September 2024, Pages 1-120 

Experimental Investigation of the Threshold Submergence in Combined Throat Flumes


Hosein Soltani Kazemi; Mohsen Solimani Babarsad; Mohammad Hossein Purmohammadi; Hossein Eslami; Hossein Ghorbanizadeh Kharazi

Publication Information


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Online ISSN

Indexing and Abstracting